
Florida Alliance for Assistive Technology (FAAST)
Have a device loan program and facilitates the NEW HORIZON low interest rate financing program for those that want to purchase AT products.
The Center for Financial Independence & Innovation, Inc. (The CFII)
CFII Credit-Able which provides low-interest loans through participating credit unions to enable Georgians with disabilities access to affordable financing for Assistive Technology and Home & Vehicle Modifications.
Senior Nutrition Guide
Maintaining good health and enjoying a balanced diet can be quite a task as we age. Nutrition plays a crucial role in the well-being of senior citizens.
A well-rounded and rich diet ensures seniors have the essential nutrients for optimal bodily function. Moreover, healthy eating habits can significantly reduce the risk of age-related ailments like osteoporosis, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
To assist seniors and their families, we created a guide that explains what older people need to eat and how to overcome diet challenges.
It gives meal planning advice and talks about food options in senior living. It also has tips on food safety and where seniors can find nutritious food.

Guide Dog Providers in North America
A guide dog is a service animal that helps people who are blind or visually impaired navigate and travel independently. Guide dogs are trained to lead their handlers around obstacles, find doors, and indicate curbs and stairs. Follow the link below to see a list of Guide Dog Providers in North America!
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