Vision Buddy!

Vision Buddy!

The Vision Buddy is the world's first ultra-simple all-in-all-one assistive device for the visually impaired. 

The Vision Buddy has three modes: 


  • Magnification, which puts the camera in live mode
  • Reading, which changes the high contact color to white on black
  • TV, for television and movie streaming


The Vision Buddy is a lightweight device that wirelessly connects to the user's television to project the image into the headset.

The newest update to Vision Buddy allows the user to connect to even more devices. With the computer link, the user can view their desktop or laptop computer, iPad, and iPhone with an Apple Adaptor. There is also now a portable external CCTV camera that improves previous reading capabilities. In addition, the user can change the high contact modes and increase and decrease the magnification. 

The Vision Buddy can help a user complete a magnitude of different actions. 


  • Gardening: A veteran who uses his Vision Buddy to help with gardening tasks
  • Games: A client takes his Vision Buddy to Bingo every Thursday night to see his bingo cards 
  • Social Interaction: saying hello to passing neighbors while sitting on the front porch 
  • Television: Vision Buddy's streaming mode projects the program directly into the headset for the ultimate viewing experience
  • iPad &iPhone Screens: with the HDMI and appropriate adapter, the mobile device can be seen live in the Vision Buddy headset
  • Movies & Theatre: Vision Buddy is portable, lightweight, 


A bonus is the newly updated OCR feature. The offline OCR mode takes a picture of the text and quickly reads it back to the user out loud. This feature is helpful for spot-reading tasks, where audible text will help the user. 

The Vision Buddy comes with everything the user needs to live a more independent life. Magnification going up to 10x, wireless TV watching, OCR, and the ability to connect to a computer, iPad, or iPhone. 

Call us today if you are interested in trying out Vision Buddy.




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